Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Dress, A Masterpiece

Blessed by a dress.

The Original dress in 1993
 The boys were as excited as they are on Christmas morning.  They were watching the car pull up in the driveway and ran outside and back in to tell us they were here.  Blaine and Jack were jumping up and down as soon as they saw the Strouds start walking in the door.  The excitement all afternoon for this special time had been building.  We were all anxious and excited.  In her hands she carried the box... You would never guess that inside this box tied with a simple pink bow, was such a priceless treasure.  Another meaningful was Mother's Day.

Who knew twenty one years ago a wedding dress, my wedding dress, would be used again for such a different day?  I know God had a reason for it to be hanging in my closet, and today was the day we were going to see the most beautiful dress....ever.

The tears wouldn't stop rolling down my cheeks, I tried to hold them back, but just the thought of something so precious was overwhelming.  I opened the box and there were two absolutely breathtaking, identical dresses.

The gift started several weeks ago from Cathy.  The thought, work and prayers that went into making this dress was a gift in itself.  She had invited us over to her house one afternoon to help cut out pieces that would eventually be sewn into a gown fit for an angel.  She had each of us cut a part of the dress out; even the boys were able to help in making this priceless treasure.  Cathy asked us what we wanted on the dress, the only request was from the boys.  To put the front lace piece of the wedding dress onto the front of Grace's dress.

We prayed.  The prayers were for the hands that would sew the dress and for the beautiful girl that would one day wear the dress.  We prayed for a miracle, the miracle for her to remain on earth with us.  This afternoon was such a special afternoon.  Each of us were blessed, and thankful to have such Godly, caring people placed in our paths by our Heavenly Father.

As Cathy and Scott were sitting in our living room a few short weeks later I had never imagined something so beautiful.  She had made two identical dresses.  There was only one lace section on the front of my original wedding dress, so she hand pieced the lace from my train onto the other dress and you can't tell a difference on either one.  The booties were made and stitched with Grace on the bottom by Cathy's Mother.  They look like the most beautiful princess shoes I've ever seen.  Cathy made two bonnets, but didn't attach the lace.  She suggested that we stitch the lace on so that we again could be a part of helping create this beautiful masterpiece.  

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

A Masterpiece.  That is what God has created in us.  I think of the time, meaning, thought and love that went into this special, hand made dress.  I think of how special this dress is to our family and then I think of how special God thinks each of us are when he creates us in His own image.  His Masterpiece.  The love, time and thought  He has for us.  I can't even fathom what His heart must feel.  The love I have for my own children is unexplainable and I am nothing compared to Him.

Genesis 1:27 "So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them."

You might ask why two?  One will be for our beautiful angel to wear; the other we will keep as a treasure and a memory of the love and grace that was shared for our special Grace.

This gift was a true treasure to us.  We will never be able to say thank you enough not only to Cathy, but to all of you who are walking this journey with us. You are each appreciated, loved and prayed for.  Every name that comes across our path whether by a card, e-mail, note, etc.  you are  prayed for.  
Thank you.  
In His Love, Deidra
Hope you love the song below:
So grateful to Cathy!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Mother's Day used to be one of the hardest days of the year.  If you have ever had infertility problems, you know this day rates up there next to baby showers.  It is one that you physically have to be there, smile and pray it goes really fast!~Your heart would yearn so much to be a Mother for the angel you never knew if you would hold.
Mother's Day celebrating week 29 with Grace

My sweet thankful to her.
After my amazing boys were born, they made it one of my favorite times of the year!  They love to pick out that "something special" that they know I will love. They give me my favorite gift ever...the homemade card where they write the things they know about mom (today's said I weigh 116 pounds!  That makes a pregnant lady smile!) We go to church and celebrate Moms.   I am so grateful and just praise the Lord for changing what used to be a sad day in my heart to such a joyous day.  I  thank our Lord that I have these two beautiful boys that have changed my life; I also pray for those parents whose hearts are aching for a child to be blessed this very year with one.  Today's Mothers Day, well, it was different.  I will write about that later though, because it is a story in it self.

My Mother in law who LOVES her kids!
I have been surrounded by wonderful Mom's...most importantly my own.  She had me in church since I can remember; she encouraged me in all that I did and most of all she loved me.  I think of my husband's mom who raised such an amazing man.  I could not ask for a better friend, husband and father to our boys. That had to be instilled from home with a Mom who taught him how to be those things.  My two grandmothers who are Godly women and raised Godly children.
Proverbs 31:28A "Her children rise up and call her blessed;"

Being a Mom is so special.  I can think of no better blessing than being called Mom.   There is a love that you have for your kids that is unexplainable.  At night as you watch them sleep, the overwhelming love that you feel.  The ache in your own heart when they hurt.  As they giggle and laugh until they can't breathe reminds you of their true innocence. I LOVE that.  I LOVE them.

My precious Nannie 
Being a Mom is Tough.  Let's be real.  You are teaching the future, daily.  You teach them not only by your guidance and words, but your example.  OHHH how that one sometimes bites me!  The decisions that you make, impact so much more than yourself, it affects who your children are learning to be.  I try very hard not to be one of those Moms that races in to save the day, they need to learn to survive on their own.  They need to learn that it is okay to hurt, because we can heal.  They need to learn to fall so they can stand back up.  That is hard though as a Mom we are given the gift of nurtures and protectors.

My Mom, grandmother, and sweet Aunts  have all taught me life lessons

Mother's day from now on is different.  No longer will it be just the boys, it will include a sweet girl whether she is here with us or she is in heaven.  I will now have an additional prayer this mother's day.  Thank you Lord, for blessing me yet again.

Mother's Day with My Favorite boys!